The ZaMir conferences have been developed and are exchanged with the above goals in mind. Any email system and user that supports these goals is welcome to use these conferences.
We the originators of the ZaMir conferences kindly ask that the users of these conferences fulfill the following requests:
These conferences are mainly for the exchange of information, opinions and proposals for action. There are a few binary conferences which are only for programms that are necessary to access the email systems. These conferences are not to be used for the exchange of programms. *** We must use a unique, common name for the conferences and therefore will use an English name -- to preclude a bias toward any one language form this region. This does NOT mean that English should be used in the messages lin the *** conferences! The main languages to be used in these conferences are the languages of the people living in the Balkan region which includes the country formerly called Yugoslavia. This includes Albanian, Bosnian, Croatian, Macedonian, Hungarian, Serbian, Slovenian, and other languages of the region. Additionally, English may be used.The purposes of the conferences for each conference (a short description) will be posted by the moderators in languages of the regions where ZAMIR email systems are located and additionally also in English.
The subject description should be a clear. Avoid sending nonsense messages. Avoid using a large amount of graphics in the messages. Please do not use large "signatures" on your messages.
Unneccessary crossposting is to be avoided. It is sufficient to post a message in only one conference in each network. To call attention to important messages please use pointers in the ALERTS conference or if necessary in another subject conference.
Unneccessary quoting is to be avoided. Normally, the amount of text quoted from another message should not be proportionately large in relation to the text of the users message.
Please, do not quote out of context. It just causes misunderstandings.
The source of every quote should be clearly identified.
Personal messages that you receive may not be made public without the express permission of the author.
Complaints about others' errors shouldn't be posted in public conferences. Before sending an angry reply to someone, let the message cool overnight in your computer. Then read it again before sending it. This may help to prevent unnecessary "flames" against other users.
Insults, libellous statements, discriminatory statements against minorities, sexist and racist statements, and texts which call for the carrying out of illegal actions should not be tolerated. Users who disregard these rules of tolerance and respect to other person's identities will be politely but publically warned.
If the violations continue then the system administration should disconnect the user from the /ZAMIR conferences. If a system operator allows such users to continue ot use the /ZAMIR conferences, it will also be warned and if need be, disconnected from the network.
No advertisements (for buying and selling) should be placed in the /ZAMIR conferences.
The maximum length of personal messages that are routed (i.e. forwarded through other email systems) is 100 kilobytes, although users are encouraged to limit their messages to 10 KB since larger messages may get stuck in some networks and therefore may be delayed or lost.
As most of the messages in the ZaMir conferences are written in languages that include characters not found in the ASCII code
(127) it is necessary that systems carrying these conferences support these additional characters. The practical measures concerning this issue must still be clarified, but we would ask that the email systems carrying the ZAMIR conferences make translation information and software available for their users so that they also may easily read the special characters 127 ASCII.We (ZTN) will help to provide keyboard and monitor drivers (that are used in our region) and a translation table for the character sets so that the messages can be readable on your email system software. We will also attempt to help the system operators with any information about character sets and available drivers in order to facilitate the reading and writing of messages in our languages. A translation file (fonts.mbx) for Zerberus v5.2 is also available.
Censorship of content must never take place. Only technical (for example, length of message) limitations are allowed.
All users of the ZaMir conferences must have an email address that is internationally reachable. This enables all users to also write private emails to any user of the conferences.
All users of the ZaMir conferences should be identifyable as real persons. Anoymous users are not to be allowed to write in the the ZaMir conferences. The system operator should know the name and address of all the users of these conferences.
We will not provide the ZaMir conferences to systems that cannot fulfill the above requirements. The Zamir Transnational NetThe generous financial support that made ZTN possible came from:
the Heinrich Boell Stiftung (Germany);
the Komittee fuer Grundrecht und Demokratie (Germany);
the Swedish Peace Coucil (Sweden);
the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society (Sweden);
the Support Group for the Peace Movement in former Yugoslavia
the Gruppe Schweiz ohne Armee (Switzerland);
the proceeds from publishing Wam Kat's "Zagreb Diary"
the Iniative for Supporting the Peace Movements in former Yugoslavia
the Vereniging Dienstweigeraars (Netherlands)
the National Endowment for Democracy (USA)
the Soros Foundations (Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia,
Yugoslavia, USA)
Links to other Sarajevo and Bosnia related sitesPoMoWar MediaFilter CovertAction Shadow Artists on MediaFilter CHAOS ZTN