-----------KEEP FREE MEDIA FREE-----------

Zin                                                  war
s,M         Tactical Media is not new...it           HAD
OW,         is not something that we                 ted
&CO         invented....only named...                h,C
IA,         it's been around for centuries,          jev
oPi         from bringing christianity to the        edi
aan         illiterate masses--                      had
,ac         beautiful stained glass                  ?=P
ris         pictorials of the crucifixion            aut
ono         and resurrection of Jesus--              gra
mZT         to the CIA's comic books on              &st
tab         sabotage, provocation, and               rZo
ne,         assasination (popular in                 t=2
0/M         Nicaragua during the Contra's            n+d
riv         reign of terror in the 1980's)...        ter
s&s         to Milosevic's carefully engineered      His
tor         media-order:                             /B?
=tr         where no favorite toys paraded           ola
%2C         and no whistles were blown....           ati
on&         (some "tactical media" has been          om/
WW/         known to be more effective...)           abl
es/                                                  =40
/WW         Tactical Media is not only               /B?
     Zin         something that Media Activists           Div     
/IS         engage in...it's Advertising--           r&r
el=         the Corporate Psychological Warfare      war
Day         of Perception Management...              t=0
FBI         PR WAR...Video News Releases             Kur
IS/         run as news by the hungry,               =Kr
esi         delerious "media providers"...           r+r
epo         provided FREE by Hill&Knowlton,          hio
&re         Burson-Marsteller or Ketchum...          Yui
bio         pay Reuters $600 and your                sta
NAZ         news is on the wire...                   nth
rat         access is not guaranteed,                NAZ
ang         it's BOUGHT...                           =AM
&re         Your perception is managed               TTT
bla         with your tax dollars.....               esp
+Zu         The War in the Gulf--                    /ta
rev         packaged especially for you              ele
htt         by SAIC...Operation Just                 CIA
che         'Cause (we didn't mean to kill           rin
sia         thousands of Panamanians just            199
pan         so we could confiscate Manny             Pri
ogi         Noriega's toy frog collection...)        log
agr         Somalia...OOPS!  One chopper down!       rty
Kre         Cut!                                     =bi
+Pa         ...to DISNEY redesigning 42nd Street...  INT
Sar         ...The East Village as THEME PARK...     evo
Bos         come see how the homeless once lived     rd+
BI&         in their quaint tent-city...re-created   W/I
/WW         just for you...                          NSA
reu         for half the price of admission...       IMF
S/?         to the musical RENT...                   AID
f+O         the struggle commodified...              UN$
l=3         real lives neutralized...                =7&
ena                                                  sin
la%         The tactic of media is invisible.        fre
Cop         invisible in plain sight...              dia
raq         the tactic of media is to make           fre
Kee         the invisible visible...                 ive
/gu                                                  all

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