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  • This Event Happened in WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, CANADA - A HICK TOWN OF 650,000

  • Winnipeg's Wild West Show Continues! Chief of Police (Ewatski This?) asked to investigate claims of police officers dumping drunks and malcontents on city's outskirts! Midnight Rides Probed? Shades of Saskatoon! The Manitoba Justice Department has asked Chief Ewatski to investigate allegations that police have taken drunks to the outskirts of the city and dumped them off and left them there. Well here we go again, the police being asked to investigate themselves. It seemed the New Democratic Party, our new and enlightened government in power is up to the same old tricks that just don't plain work just like Gary Filmon's old Conservatives did. It seems the more things change the more they stay the same! Winnipeg's urban Aboriginals use the term midnight ride to describe the trips when Winnipeg's Main Street Project is overflowing. It is said that such allegations are taken very seriously by the police when made? It is said that they will meet with the province to review the situation and make a decision on the best way to handle the situation? Another media stilted, staged go no where forum maybe? It is no secret that the local news paper the Winnipeg Free Press caused another midnight ride incident to be under investigation prior to this one! This tale of a minor, an aboriginal, a street gang member was left just inside the perimeter and his story has already been substantiated by witnesses. Ironically Chief Ewatski when a junior rank heard of such goings on before but did not follow up on Chartrand's complaint until the boy's father showed up at the first aboriginal public forum to report 4 other situations! It seems that Leonard Filder, Vernon Napinak amongst others have similar cases. In another incident Junior Flett and Nelson Flett saw police slap Chartrand in the face. A neighbor cited the police as being ignorant and aggressive! When police took him 13 kilometers away from his home area, he had to phone a Justice Department reintegration worker to get him out of bed to get a ride back to his home in Gilbert Park. The worker, Ramie Cayer advised Chartrand to file a complaint with the Manitoba Law Enforcement Review Agency (LERA), which he did and left a message to call him, but he never heard back! This readers, is Winnipeg true to form. Associate Provincial Justice, Judge Murray Sinclair also an aboriginal met with community leaders in Winnipeg to voice his concerns and fears. With this happening, is anyone listening? It is time to call upon again, the New Democratic Party of Manitoba to hotly pursue an independent agency with the legislation and the teeth to rein in police abuse and criminality. Will it take deaths or minority groups rioting to finally bring sanity to an agency gone amok. We certainly hope not. This people is Winnipeg, a city on the brink!

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